Burger King Sees 74% Lower CPM with
Founded in 1954, BURGER KING® is the world's second-largest hamburger restaurant chain, with more than 11 million customers worldwide every day.
Challenge: Drive Awareness Amongst Their Target Audience
Burger King Norway had an ongoing campaign for deals called ‘Konge Deals’, which featured some of their customers’ favorite dishes at affordable prices. They utilized fun pop culture lingo and emojis in the ads and identified several target groups for the offerings. Together with their media agency Starcom, they wanted to find a way to customize the creatives to speak to those specific target groups. The overall objective of the campaign was to drive awareness of the deals amongst their target groups.
Solution: Auotmated Ads Produces Customized Creative
Burger King Norway and Starcom partnered with to create a feed featuring upcoming deals, target groups, and creatives. They then built an Automated Ads campaign in the platform, which produced new ads sets through target groups pulled for each upcoming deal and combined them with a customized copy. The media agency Starcom only had to make changes to the feed, not to the campaign itself. Thus, they could focus their time on analyzing performance and developing Burger King’s paid social efforts rather than manual work.
Results: 74% Lower CPM
The customized creatives resulted in the CPM dropping 74% below average for all Starcom campaigns and 60% below the average Burger King campaign.
“The feed solution in Smartly helped us to seamlessly update the communication across a wide variety of target groups to distribute relevant content at all times. This, in turn, has increased the distribution of the ads due to lowered CPM" - Tobias Limseth, Head of Social at Publicis Media
View the original case study here